CST2602 Visual
Basic II
Turn your homework in on a CD-ROM. You must label the CD-ROM with your name, assignment number, and course number. Be sure to keep a backup for yourself. |
Note: Most of the programming examples in the textbook can be found on the CD-ROM included with the book. |
Lab 1
Read (Bell&Parr) Chapters 11 & 24 - Inheritance and
Polymorphism. |
Exercises |
RationalInheritance (20 points)
In this exercise your are going to build upon Exercise RationalCalculations that you completed in VB I week 7. You had created a class named Rational for performing arithmetic with fractions. You provided public member functions (methods) that performed each of the following tasks:
You had provided a private member function named Reduce. You provided get accessors to be able to retrieve the numerator and denominator variables. And you wrote a main Windows GUI program to test your class. This week for exercise RationalInheritance you are to create a new class named ProperRational that inherits from your previously made class named Rational. So in other words you are making a subclass named ProperRational from a base class named Rational. This new class is to extend the functionality of Rational class by providing the ability to store all rationals properly by using whole numbers if necessary and where no numerator shall be larger than the denominator. Also the negative sign needs to be applied to the whole number, if there is a non zero whole number. If the whole number is zero, then the negative sign shall be applied to the numerator. The only changes that you should need to make with your class Rational will be to make a couple of the class variables protected and the method Reduce protected. The rest of the class should be untouched. For your new class ProperRational, you need to provide public member functions (methods) that performed each of the following tasks:
Provide a private member function named Reduce to reduce ProperRationals. Reuse the reduce function from the Rational class as a helper function. In all of the above methods, call upon the base class methods to perform the bulk of the work. Provide a get accessor to be able to retrieve the whole variable. Write a main Windows GUI program (RationalInheritance) to test your class. To get you started, I am providing much of the ProperRational class for you in this file. So pretty much all is left is for you to complete the member functions. The add function has been done for you already. Also notice I made some private helper functions to take care of the signs. Here is most of my code for my main windows GUI to test the class. For clarity I removed most of the "Windows Form Designer generated code" and the code for the switch button.
Lab 2 Read (Deitel) Chapter 14 Multithreading. |
Exercises |
Exercise Multithreading
(20 points)
In this exercise your are going to build upon Exercise 5.6 (Pythagorean Triples) that you completed in VB I Basically you are to duplicate the Pythagorean Triples program logic 3 times (or more). Run each duplication of the logic as a separate thread. Review my example programs to get a better understanding of the problem. Write a main Windows GUI program (Multithreading) to test your multithreading. Use the Windows Task Manager to see the effectiveness of your multithreading. If your application is written correctly, your program should have a CPU usage of at least 80%, but probably not more than 95%.
Note: |
Lab 3 Read (Deitel) Chapter 22 Networking: Streams-Based Sockets and Datagrams. |
Exercises |
Exercise TicTacToe
(20 points)
In Chapter 22 of Deitel there is an example program of Tic-Tac-Toe that is set up as a client/server and is to be played on two computers. Use this program as your base program for this exercise. Modify the program in some way with interesting graphics, sounds, score keeping, etc. Package package and deploy the program with the Windows Installer (.msi) so that anyone with Windows 98 or better can run your program. Give your instructor the packaged program on CD so that your instructor can install the program. Demonstrate to the instructor that the program will work across the internet. Your laptop will be one machine and the instructor's laptop will be the other. |